Music, wine, gastronomy and the landscape, protagonists of the second Edition of the Abadal Music Fest May 29th, 2023|Abadal, abadal-franc-c, abadal-picapoll, abadal-rosat, home|
Abadal takes part in the XX fair in honour of Spain’s top wines for 2020 according to the prestigious wine guide; Guía Peñín November 6th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-5merlot, abadal-franc-c, abadal-nuat, abadal-picapoll|
Abadal contributes its wines at a charity function for Caritas in Mas Marroch October 21st, 2019|Abadal, abadal-blanc, abadal-franc-c|
Abadal Winery takes part in the 24th harvest festival in Bages October 8th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-5merlot, abadal-blanc, abadal-franc-c, abadal-rosat|
Abadal triumphs at the 39th edition of a fair to showcase Catalan wine and cava; “Mostra de Vi i Cava de Catalunya” October 1st, 2019|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-blanc, abadal-crianca, abadal-franc-c, abadal-picapoll, abadal-rosat|
Abadal Franc, one of the stars of the show at the 18th macro wine tasting session “Vi per Vida”, (Wine for Life) September 30th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-franc-c|
Abadal wines accompany the CCCB and La Pedrera at the opening of their main events March 27th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-blanc, abadal-crianca, abadal-franc-c|
Abadal inaugurates MAM -a music tour in the town of Manresa –with a taste of its wines January 15th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-franc-c, abadal-rosat, home, home|
Abadal takes part in a “Harvest Experience” in Barcelona November 23rd, 2018|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-5merlot, abadal-crianca, abadal-franc-c, abadal-mandó, abadal-nuat, abadal-picapoll|
Outstanding ratings for Abadal Franc in the wine guide “Vivir El Vino 2018” January 30th, 2018|Abadal, abadal-franc-c|