Abadal joins POTS for the management of reusable containers

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Abadal joins POTS for the management of reusable containers

POTS is a circular economy project with the slogan “Let’s reuse, let’s reduce”, seeking to reuse bottles by focusing on circularity.

With the POTS reuse system, the water consumption needed to clean the bottles is less than the water needed to manufacture a new one, with the carbon footprint reduction that also comes with new manufacturing.

At this initial stage, bottle reuse is being carried out from bottles consumed in the winery’s wine tourism centre; during visits, tastings, at the wine bar or during events.

The used bottles are collected in special boxes, called POTScases, and sent to the POTS cleaning plant.  After cleaning and sterilisation, the bottles are returned to the winery ready to start a new cycle.

June 19th, 2024|Abadal|