The aim of the project is to predict pests, minimise the use of phytosanitary products and optimise vineyard management.
In order to share agro-climatic information and accurately monitor the climate and soil, this programme uses technologies that include a system of weather stations and soil and plant sensors, all connected to an open network (Open-Data). These procedures are also used to develop predictive models of diseases that may affect vineyards, enabling preventive measures to be taken while improving soil management and water use efficiency, which is vital for adapting to climate change.
Weather stations monitor climatology, rainfall, leaf wetness, temperature and wind direction, among other things. Soil sensors, on the other hand, record and provide data on soil temperature and soil moisture.
As soil is one of the most important pillars of the identity of Abadal wines, phase 2 of the OpenDigivine project has made it possible to obtain a record of objective data to find out how the different soil managements we employ on the estate affect the availability of water in the vineyard. Among other things, to assess water retention when working with plant cover (present in vineyards such as Abadal 3.9 or Abadal Mandó) or with the mulching technique, which is applied in part of the Nuat vineyard (with forest bark from the estate’s forestry management).
The project is coordinated and managed by AERTIC, with INNOVI, and operated with the company Encore Lab, and the wineries Herència Altés and Abadal. It is also funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR.