Abadal Picapoll was present at Vinthink presentation in 8 al dia tv program with Josep Cuní (8tv)

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Abadal Picapoll was present at Vinthink presentation in 8 al dia tv program with Josep Cuní (8tv)

We are sure many of you would like to have some help when choosing a wine in a restaurant. Now you can ask advise to more than 8.000 users of Vinthink, a web page and aplication for iPhone which allows to share opinions and ratings about wines. For all this, it is called the new Facebook for wines. Its founder, Gemma Rojas, went to 8 al dia studio to present it. As an exemple, about how to use the aplication, she chose Abadal Picapoll.


April 12th, 2012|Abadal, abadal-picapoll|