The “Festa de la Verema del Bages” is a festival that celebrates the harvest in this winemaking region. It pays tribute to wines and vineyards in Bages. The historic town of Artés is an ideal outdoor setting to showcase the extensive and deep wine culture in Bages.
Young children can experience life at the vineyards first-hand; they are taken by tractor to see the harvest, and the history of wine is the theme of artists who perform on the streets which are also lined with stalls to taste wine from the DO Pla de Bages and to sample locally-grown produce.
This year, the Abadal Winery took part in a wide range of events organized in the programme to celebrate vineyards and wines in Bages:
-“Nocturna Vinum”: guests could enjoy a harvest evening accompanied by a glass of Abadal wine, a tapa and a live show at the wine store Seté Cel in Manresa.
– Abadal Franc was presented at the tasting session at the festivals’ opening ceremony
– Abadal Blanc and Abadal Franc were present at the themed session: “Tasting with Rhythm”.
– Abadal Blanc, Rosat, Franc and 5 Merlot were showcased at the wine fair: Mostra de Vins DO Pla de Bages