Pizza, Rock & Wine March 12th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-crianca, abadal-picapoll, abadal-rosat|
Abadal wines at a lunch-debate on “The future of Europe” in Brussels March 11th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-blanc, abadal-crianca|
Abadal Mandó features at an instructional tasting event run by the Catalan Association of Sommeliers and the DO Pla de Bages February 27th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-mandó|
Wine, Amore, Passione February 18th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-5merlot, abadal-blanc, abadal-rosat, home, home|
Abadal renews its certification for quality and sustainability in wine tourism February 5th, 2019|Abadal, home, home|
Abadal inaugurates MAM -a music tour in the town of Manresa –with a taste of its wines January 15th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-franc-c, abadal-rosat, home, home|
Abadal features in the wine section -“Al Celler” – in the magazine Revista Cuina January 9th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-mandó|
The Estate Wine, Abadal 3.9 Vi de Finca, and Abadal Nuat are awarded 90 points in the wine guide “Anuario de Vinos El País 2019” January 7th, 2019|Abadal, abadal-3.9, abadal-nuat, home|