Estate Wine Abadal 3.9 Vi de Finca received the highest rating of wines from the DO Pla de Bages in the ABC Wine Guide

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Estate Wine Abadal 3.9 Vi de Finca received the highest rating of wines from the DO Pla de Bages in the ABC Wine Guide

In its latest edition, the ABC Wine Guide awarded the Estate Wine Abadal 3.9 Vi de Finca 2015 with 93 points and Abadal 5 Merlot 2016 with 92 points. These two wines received the highest ratings of wines from the DO Pla de Bages in the guide.

Furthermore, Abadal 5 Merlot 2016 obtained 91 points in the Proensa Guide 2019, becoming the only wine from the DO Pla de Bages to be rated in this new edition of the guide.

Meanwhile, Abadal Nuat 2016 was the best rated wine (with 90 points) from the DO Pla de Bages in the 34th edition of the Guía de Vinos Gourmets 2019 (Guide to Gourmet Wines 2019).