Miquel Palau, an oeneologist at the Abadal winery receives a prestigious award from a top catalan wine guide in recognition of his innovative work

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Miquel Palau, an oeneologist at the Abadal winery receives a prestigious award from a top catalan wine guide in recognition of his innovative work

Miquel Palau, an oenologist with Abadal, received an honorary award called the Premi Honorífic al Futur, from the Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2018, a well-known Catalan wine guide. The award ceremony was held in Barcelona on November 13 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of this guide.

The award recognizes not only the oenologist’s career but also his innovative character, which this year culminated with the launch of Abadal Mandó, a wine made with this native variety. The Mandó grape has been recovered by the winery with Miquel Palau leading its revival. Miquel Palau has been researching this wine for over 15 years. Furthermore, the Abadal Mandó wine itself was given 9.67 points by the Guia de Vins de Catalunya 2018, establishing this wine as one of the top-rated Catalan wines in the 2018 edition.

November 15th, 2017|Abadal, abadal-mandó|